Agriculturally related

Lupin Conference
10th International Lupin Conference

(the poster we presented, 557 KB)

Masters thesis 2002
My Master of Science thesis on variation in narrow-leafed lupin - in Danish.
Summary in English. Yfirlit á Islandsk.
(right-click to download as PDF file, 5 MB)

Kronik i dagbladet Information

Kronik bragt i dagbladet Information, om økologisk landbrug og problemet med at brødføde en stadig stigende verdensbefolkning.
"Hellere bange end naiv"

RALA 2002
Visit to RALA reseach institute.

Elite seed
from the defence of my masters thesis

A little taste of what GMO is doing to our food in the near future
(mirror of article in "Globe and Mail")

Sheepish entertainment
(with sound) & evil...
Besøg hos fåreavler 20. jan. 2001
Ekstra billeder
Texel presentation

Økologisk Forum
På besøg hos Søbogaard 2002
Rundvisning i nyt vådområde m.m...


Bufreidikandidatir in Copenhagen
Bufræðikandidatar (candidates from Agricultural univesity of Iceland) in Copenhagen.

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